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Monday, July 21, 2008

Yankees go the healthy route in clubhouse?

Joe Girardi, in a desperate move to motivate his players and keep Hank off his back and his mouth shut, has banned candy and ice cream in the clubhouse, according to an LA Times story seen on yahoo today.
Uh, Joe? It’s going to take a little more than a token discipline gesture to get the Yankees back on track. While I commend Girardi for striving for a better diet for his players (don’t forget to put steroids on the sweet list), this action reeks of “I gotta do SOMEthing before ol’ dumbass opens up his trap to the media again!”
Better check those trainers to make sure they’re not smuggling in any Kit Kats! I guess Hank is not allowed in the clubhouse if Ding Dongs are on the list!
Speaking of health Joe, is that a cigarette in your hand?

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