And Thank You for visiting Sonoma Dave's Giant Red Sox Blog! This blog is an archive of most of my posts on Fenway West. Effective immediately, I will be be including posts about the San Francisco Giants, MLB, and on occasion, stuff that has nothing to do with baseball at all.

Please visit FENWAY WEST.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gotta love Bronson Arroyo

He left his heart in Boston, as Michael Silvern points out in today's Boston Herald.Theo admits that the Arroyo for Wily Mo Pena trade is one that he would like to undo, and Bronson readily admits that Boston would be 1 of 3 teams with which he would like to finish his career, so Red Sox, keep #61 on ice, OK?

In the meantime, he returns to Boston every winter to participate in the Hot Stove, Cool Music fundraiser for Theo and Paul Epstein's Foundation To Be Named Later.

UPDATE: The nominees for the New England Sports Blog Awards were announced last night and Fenway West was nominated for "Best Red Sox Blog." Voting takes place from February 2nd to February 14th and fans can vote once each day. Please take a moment and show your support for Fenway West by following the link below and casting your vote. Thank you for helping make this nomination possible and for your continued support.

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