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Sunday, October 17, 2010

This is not a Yankee-Red Sox fan fight

There have been plenty of Red Sox and Yankee fan fights, and Red Sox and Rays fan fights, but this one rivals any we’ve seen on youtube. It’s not all that particularly extended or violent, but it is notable as it happened at the U.S. Open tennis match at Arthur Ashe Stadium. A fight between fans at a genteel tennis tournament? This doesn’t sound right until you note that the stadium is in Queens, NY. I wouldn’t be surprised if the younger male with the foul mouth is a Yankee fan. In this day and age of instant video posting, cell phone cameras were whirring and whizzing catching the altercation as it unfolded. You should probably turn off the volume for the 2nd video if you’re at work, or if you have small children nearby, as that younger male drops several f-bombs.

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